Is Blogging still Worth in 2023

If you are thinking that Is Blogging still Worth and will end in the coming time or in 2023 or this year is not the right time to start blogging, then you think absolutely wrong because blogging is a part of Google, so if the existence of blogging If it is not there, then what will be the value of google, so as long as google is there, blogging can never end.

There are millions of people who earn a lot of money from blogging because they work seriously and remain consistent, so for those who know how to do patience and hard work, blogging is only for them.

If you are thinking of starting blogging in the year 2023, then you can do it comfortably.
In this article, you will be told everything about blogging from beginner to advance and you will also get to know what are the problems in blogging.

Is Blogging still Worth

Yes, blogging has always been seen as a profitable business and in the coming time there are many career opportunities in blogging, so if you are fond of writing, then you can start blogging.

Can I do blogging from mobile?

Many such people still work from mobile, but after some time you will have to work on a laptop or computer because you cannot do many things on mobile at once (Multitasking) and even if you can do it, you get irritated, so I would advise you that if you want to start blogging, then you should work from laptop or computer only.

How to start Blogging and make money online in 2023?

Blogging and make money online in 2023

Before starting blogging you must have 2 things: A laptop/PC and an internet connection.
Because without these two things you cannot do any online work, Now the turn comes that how to start blogging.
Friends, you need hosting and a domain to start blogging. Whenever many people start blogging, they get confused that which hosting should be taken or from where the domain should be taken, and what should be the name of the domain, they have to face these difficulties, So I have already done the research for you. how to choose hosting and domain

Choose the Best Hosting and Domain

To start blogging, first of all, you will need a good and affordable hosting service, because the better your hosting, the better you will be able to work.
Hosting also provides you security with and better performance.

7 Reasons why Good Hosting service is important?

If I talk in simple language, then hosting is a rental place where the data and files of your website are stored. So now let me tell you the 7 reasons why the best hosting is important for your website.

  1. Better security
  2. Daily and monthly backup
  3. Support 24/7
  4. Better Design, Running, and Monitoring
  5. Automated Process for Additional Features
  6. Decrease Loading Time
  7. Better Search Engine Rankings

For the best hosting, I would recommend that if you are just starting out, then you should take the service of Hostinger because we get a lot of features through hostinger at a very affordable price.
Hostinger has 3 hosting plans which are shown in this image.

Hostinger (Hosting Service Provider)

Blogging still Worth

You get to see these 3 plans on hostinger, in this you have to choose the premium web hosting only. And for why to do this, you can see the features given below.

premium web hosting

Apart from Hostinger, there is also a lot of web hosting which is available.
you can also try these.

Other Web Hosting Services which is good for your Website:

  1. Cloudways Hosting
  2. Bluehost Hosting


Friends, after hosting, you need a domain and here many people make mistakes as if someone made his website inside the tech niche and took the domain name completely differently, then in this condition, you will find it very difficult to rank your site.
Therefore, whenever you take a domain, keep the name of that domain related to your niche, by which you can easily get your website ranked.

You can choose the best domain for your website and remember 2 things when you choose your domain first you choose a name that is related to your niche and sum up a keyword in your domain.

  1. choose a domain that is related to your niche
  2. keyword-related domain name niche

After hosting and domain, you have to install wordpress for your website, with wordpress you can customize and manage your site very easily.

if you are looking for a domain that is valuable and affordable for beginners then you can buy a domain from here Namecheap, Here you can buy a domain with an affordable price and you can compare the price with other domain platforms.

List of 500 Domain Name Ideas

if you don’t have any idea how to choose a domain name then I have 500+ domain name ideas that can help you to select your domain name.

Click here to Download the Pdf

Do bloggers really make money?

Yes, of course, bloggers earn a lot of money, but in the beginning, you will have to work very hard, if you are thinking that money will start coming as soon as you start blogging, then it is not so at all.
More money comes from blogging, but it depends on how the CPC of your keyword,

if you work on keywords with low CPC, then you will not earn that much, so you will have to write your articles by choosing keywords with high CPC.

Use this Free Keyword Research tool to find high CPC Keywords and Volume

In the beginning, you will have to do some hard work, but when you understand the game of blogging, then you will start earning very good money because there is so much money in blogging that you cannot imagine.

What are the reasons why people stop blogging?

Many people are thinking that Is Blogging still Worth, its always worthy. Every day 20 to 25 new bloggers come into this field from all over the world and after some time they leave blogging, they stop blogging because they do not have patience, they do not want to wait.

Always remember one thing, no matter what business you start, give at least 90 days to that business with complete honesty, in those 90 days you put all your hard work into that business if still you do not get any results. So, of course, you leave him but first, you have to work hard.
Keep doing your work with full honesty and have some patience, you will definitely get the results.

Can we double Blog earnings in a month?

Is Blogging still Worth
Million dollars from blogging (source:

How much money you can earn from Blogging depends on these factors:

  • What is the niche of your blog?
  • How much time do you give to learning to blog and improve yourself?
  • How much do you implement digital marketing in your blog?

There are many ways to earn money from blogging for example:

  1. Ad Networks like AdSense, Ezoic, and PropellerAds
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Sell digital Products like Online Courses, E-Books
  4. Direct Advertisements
  5. Paid Reviews
  6. Sponsored Posts
  7. Online Consultation
  8. You can offer services based on your skills

Must Read this article How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Step-by-Step Guide in 2023 In the end, I would just like to say that if you liked this article and you got the information, then do like❤ this article and do not forget to share it.

is blogging a good career in 2023?

yes, absolutely blogging is always a good career option, if you have the knowledge and patience then you can start blogging as a career. Always remember that blogging needs time and hard work.

What blog niche to choose?

Most Profitable blog Niches for 2023
Blogging and making money online.
Health and fitness.
Personal finance and investing.
Recipes and food.
Personal development and self-care.
Dog foods.
Digital Marketing.

Which is the best platform to start a blog 2023?

WordPress with Hostinger- Best overall.
WordPress is a popular and trustworthy platform for beginners and you do not have to pay for it, you just have to buy hosting.

Does blogging really make money?

Yes absolutely You can earn a lot of money from blogging, you should have knowledge of Basic Seo and digital marketing.
If you optimize your content by targeting high cpc keywords, then you can earn a lot of money from blogging.

Which web host provider is better?

If you are looking for extremly affordable hosting for your wordpress website then hostinger is a best option.

Is Blogging still Worth?

Yes, blogging has always been seen as a profitable business and in the coming time there are many career opportunities in blogging, so if you are fond of writing, then you can start blogging.

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