How to Make Money with Google Web Stories in 2023

Do you Want to Know How to Make Money with Google Web Stories in 2023, Google Web Story has recently become highly popular, and practically all bloggers are working on it.

Let us explain that Google Web Story is a Google tool designed to make website information as accessible to as many people as possible.

Google Web Story

But how can you make money using Google Web Story? If not, you must read this entire post. Because in today’s post,

I’ll explain in full what Google Web Story is and how you may make money with it.

What is Google Web Stories:

Google Web Story is a technology developed by Google that allows anyone to create visual stories.

When you launch the Google app, for example, you will notice certain tales when you scroll down; these are known as Google web stories.

It is comparable to an Instagram story. Google Web Story traffic is organic, and Instagram traffic is referred to as social traffic.

If you are a blogger, you should understand what organic traffic is. And what exactly is social traffic?

Although Google launched this tool a long time ago, bloggers are only recently taking advantage of it and driving traffic to their sites.

Along with this, you may make a lot of money with Google Web Story, but you must have the correct expertise, which I will teach you later.

As I previously stated, it is similar to an Instagram story.
Photos and text can be used to make Stories in Google Web Story by using a blog,

YouTube channel, product, and so on. I hope you now understand what Google Web Story is.

Advantages of Creating Google Web Stories:

By producing a Google web Story, you can drive a lot of traffic to your blog and website in a short period of time. I’ve seen numerous such blogs with daily visitors ranging from 50,000 to 100,000.

You can earn a lot of money with Google Web Story even if you don’t have a blog. How do I make money with Google Web Stories? I have sent you additional information.

originating from organic Google Web Story traffic
A closed ad network (AdSense) is utilized on your blog.

With the help of Web Story, a lot of traffic can be directed to the content. In this case, if one of your posts is indexed by a search engine, the traffic from web story promotion will help your post’s ranking.

Google always provides updates for visitors, and as you are all aware, the Google Web Story function was introduced not long ago. In such a case, Google gives “web Story” a lot of reach and promotes practically all of the tales.

If you have a WordPress blog, you can also make a web Story for your blog, and to your knowledge, Google Web Story is completely free.

Google Web Store Advantages and Important Points:

A. You must create at least five slides. Only then will you be able to use the Google Discover feature.

B. All photos utilized in the creation of Google Web Story should be of high resolution.

C. In Google Web Story, no copyrighted images or photos should be used.

D. When writing the post, keep in mind that the story’s title should be no more than 90 words.

E. You may not use more than 280 words in your story.

F. Use a step-by-step slide to explain the material being shown in Google Web Story.

G. On the other hand, if you believe me, you should only produce 15 slides.

H. Designed Google Web Story in Portrait Mode rather than Landscape Mode.

I. You don’t need to include too many links in your web content. Use links only when absolutely essential. You can do this by inserting a link for every third slide.

J. In Google Web Story, do not upload anything that is incorrect.

Create a Google Web Stories:

As far as I know, Google is currently just functioning with WordPress. In such a case, those operating on or any other platform will receive no advantage from Google Web Story.
At the same time, WordPress developers are receiving 50,000 to 1 lakh visitors each day from a single story.

If any of you are getting visitors from Web Story on your blog, please let us know in the comments section below.

By the way, if your blog is also hosted on and you believe that traffic from the web story will assist you, please let me know.

You will now understand how to construct a Google Web Story for WordPress. So, to accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: First of all login into your WordPress admin panel. After this, you have to come to the section on Plugins.

Step 2: After that, you will have two plugins for creating a web tale. You can use anyone for the first Google Web Stories and anyone for the second Make Stories.

Step 3: After installing the plugin, you must activate it.

Step 4: Once the plugin has been activated, you must now click on Stories. After clicking on Stories, you will notice the Dashboard option; click on it.

If you are using Rank Math Plugin then you will see the sitemap of Google Web Story there.

You have to copy it and submit it in the Sitemap section of your Google search console.

So that your web Story will be indexed in Google.

By using the above-mentioned methods, you can create a google web story very easily and now you must have come to know how to make a google web Story.

How to Make Money with Google Web Stories in 2023:

 If you are looking for ways to earn money from Google Web Story, then the easiest way is Google Adsense. Google Web Story lets you enable ads by entering your Google Adsense code in the story.

If you have used any of the plugins mentioned above, the option to enter the Adsense code is given in all. You can pick up the code from your ad network and put it in the section of the web Story. 

Apart from this, if you do not have the approval of Adsense, then you can use any good ad network of your choice.

Official Notification for Google Web Stories.

After ads are enabled, whenever a person clicks on your story, they will see AIDS and when ads are clicked then you will earn. By using this method you can earn very well from Adsense.

Earn Money from Adsense in Web Stories:

It is very easy to do affiliate marketing through Google Web Story and you can earn more from affiliate marketing than from Google Adsense.

In Affiliate Marketing, if you tell about a product in your blog and give a link to it, then there are chances that people will buy from your link.

And whenever a person makes a purchase from your given link then you are given some percentage of the commission.

In such a situation, as I have told you, a lot of traffic comes from Google Web Story at the same time. With this, you can get an idea of ​​how much you can earn from affiliate marketing.

To earn from affiliate marketing, you can join any good affiliate program like Amazon Affiliate Program, Flipkart Affiliate Program, eBay Partner Program, etc. 

At the same time, I would like to tell your information that Google refuses to give any affiliate link in “Web Story”, so you should avoid doing so.

To earn from Affiliate Marketing, first, you have to bring traffic to your blog from Web Story, and from that traffic, you can earn from Affiliate Marketing.

If you want to know what is affiliate marketing and how to earn from it, So you can read this post written by us in detail.


 By using the above-mentioned methods, you can earn money from Google Web Story very easily but you have to take care of some things like the topic of your blog is responsive on the page mistake, etc. 

Many times it happens that when a visitor comes to the blog, he does not see everything correctly and in such a situation, Google considers it wrong and also down the ranking of your post.

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