Top 8 Google AI Tools You Should Test Today

In May 2023, Google made its search engine even smarter by adding a special technology called Generative AI.

summarizer AI tool AI summarizer tools use algorithms to break down large amounts of text into concise summaries.

Notebooklm Google has a special computer program called Notebooklm that helps people write.

Musicfx With text instructions, MusicFX, a Google AI-powered music generator, can produce instrumental songs.

Say What You See This Google Arts & Culture activity encourages and enhances image reading abilities.

Duet AI Gmail, Docs, Slides, and other existing Google products now have generative AI capabilities thanks to Duet AI.

Help Me Script An AI-powered computer code generation tool for home automation projects is called Help Me Script.

Magic Editor A text and photo editing AI tool powered by Google is called Magic Editor

Magic Composer Within Google Messages, there is an experimental function called Magic Compose