Living city Ranking 2023

Mercer's quality of life data helps give us an indication of how easy or difficult it is for people from different countries to live and work in different places around the world

The things that are happening in world industry can make people's lives better or worse.

Some people who have a job are wondering what is most important to them.

Want to ensure that they live and work in a good place, and live a good life with their family

Mercer's quality of life data is like a special tool

Which tells us how good it is to live in different cities.

Vienna, Austria is considered the best place to live in 2024.

After this, Zurich, Switzerland is at second place and Auckland, New Zealand is at third place.

Baghdad, Iraq, which is ranked 240th, wants to renovate and improve its buildings and roads.

Auckland in New Zealand is considered one of the best places to live in the world, especially in the Pacific region.