U.S Former President Donald Trump Announces NFTs $99 Digital Trading Card

Former United States President Donald Trump has released his 45000 NFTs which have been minted in the name of Digital Trading Card.

Donald Trump made this announcement on Thursday through Truth Social.

According to the collection website, the feature images on the Trump digital trading cards are similar to those on baseball cards.

These NFT tokens have been minted on polygon whose cost is $99 and these tokens can be purchased only through Ether or fiat currency

At the end, when the customer goes to the collection website to make a purchase, he is given an offer to buy 45 tokens.

Under the offer, any customer who buys 45 tokens will be given a chance to have dinner with Donald Trump.

The trading cards will have rarity traits from one-of-ones to "2, 5, 7, or 10 copies. No Trump Digital Trading Card will have more than 20 copies in existence" according to the site. 

Trump is promoting the cards with full enthusiasm, he says that buy cards quickly and get offers and prizes with every card.

Although this project is being criticized a lot on twitter and it is also being named as a scam.

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